The Great Build: Introduction

As a WordPress developer, I always strive to offer some extra services to my clients to provide more value to them. One of the services that I offer is web hosting. This hosting is offered to local clients in Kenya (but, of course, is also open to clients from all over the world).

Over the years, the hosting side of my business has been slowly growing through referrals. However, I know I can do better with the business.

Therefore, I’ve decided to actively engage in growing the web hosting business. And best of all, I will be documenting my journey on this blog!

I hope that has brought some excitement to you.

To start off, I’ll be taking stock of what I have as well as what needs to be done. Here is a rundown of the things I will be checking, in no particular order.

i) Current number of active customers

ii) State of the website (design, content, etc.)

iii) Evaluating the competition (offerings, branding, etc.)

iv) A plan for getting more customers to the business.

My goal is to have at least 100 paying customers for the business in the next one year. Therefore, come December, 2020, I will be back to report on how many customers I’ve closed and the general state of the business.

At the moment, I have a pretty good idea on what I need to do to get the web hosting business to move from being a mere side project to a fulltime venture.

However, my biggest challenge will be dedicating time for the project, and actually moving forward with it when I hit roadblocks.

So, this journal is a way of keeping myself accountable. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get you into the inner workings of a web hosting reseller business if you ever decide to join the wagon.

I will be making an update on this journey at least once a month. It will be interesting to review the journal at the end of the year to see how much I would have accomplished.

With that said, let’s start with some primary background information.

State of the Business

At the moment, the hosting business has been a side project. The webserver I have has mainly been used to host my projects and those of my friends. However, I also have 6 paying customers on the server. These customers pay $35 per year to host their site. I also allocate them a hosting space of 500MB.  So, you can clearly see this is a small-time side hustle for me.

Coming to the website, it is really all over the place. To begin, the business has no logo and its branding is poorly done. Apart from this, the website only has a front page. I don’t have content for any other pages.

Like I said, the business is mainly hosting my projects and those of my friends. The 6 paying clients are those that have been referred to me and didn’t really care to check out the website.

Current Goals

My current goal is to give the website a solid foundation so that it can compete in the Kenyan space. This means evaluating the competition, working on the branding, and deciding the value proposition.

Here is a rundown of the things I’m looking to do between now and the next update:

  • Create a logo for the business
  • Identify the primary pages that should be on the website
  • Create content for the webpages
  • Identify my main competitors and their offerings

With that said, would you like to know what is the name of my website? Well, just enter your email below and you’ll get the URL of the website.

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