[SOLVED] WordPress Media Library Not Showing Thumbnails

One of the errors I came across while working on a client’s WordPress theme is the images in the library not showing. Apart from that, sometimes the images may be in the library but they show up as “blank” on the website.

How do you solve this problem.

Well, if images are not showing on our WordPress library, chances are that they are not there at all! To fix this problem, do the following:

i) Use  the Library Image upload button and upload the images from your desktop or wehrever you have saved them.

ii) Confirm that the images have been uploaded by clicking on one of them and checking its URL on the site.  If there is no URL, chances are that it hasn’t upload. If this is the case, proceed to the next step.

iii) Log into cPanel, navigate to the images folder on your WordPress installation and upload the images.

TIP: You can put all the images in a compressed folder and upload the zip file into the images folder. After this, unzip the images after uploading them in the folder.

You can also do this step using FTP. I usually use FileZilla to access my FTP but you can use any FTP client you prefer.

WordPress Media Library Not Showing Thumbnails

Sometimes, you can see the images are on the images folder on your WordPress installation. The only problem may be that they are not showing on your website. If you get this error, here are 3 possible fixes for them:

i) Log into your cPanel (or use FTP) and navigate to the images folder. Check the folder  permission is set to 755.   This permission makes the folder readeable and writeable on the server, making it possible to display images.

ii) If fix (i) above did not work, try this fix.  This requires you to edit the .htacess of your WordPress installation. If you had never edited the file before, simply back the existing one up. I usually do this by renaming it to something like .htaccess-old

From there, refresh your server and website. WordPress will create a fresh .htaccess and this can solve the problem of images not showing up.

That’s it folks. If you have any questions, leave them on the comment section below. Happy Friday!

If this post helped to solve your problem, buy me a cup of coffee below!

[SOLVED] WordPress Media Library Not Showing Thumbnails 1


  1. Jack June 6, 2017
  2. pankaj singal August 29, 2017
  3. Jon October 11, 2017
  4. chrichtonsworld November 26, 2017
    • I Cozens January 6, 2018
  5. sue o'connell January 27, 2018
  6. Kwasi April 18, 2018
    • I Cozens April 18, 2018
  7. Leigh May 29, 2018
  8. franci October 24, 2020

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